
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Real Life "Rita the Raccoon"

We had a bit of snow last night, which is a little weird since it's March. But it was fun anyway! So we had the slider door curtain open to watch it pile up, and along comes a real life "Rita" the raccoon! We have been seeing some opossums and a few raccoons off in our backyard at night,  but hadn't seen any raccoons hang out this close around our door before. He was searching around for some bread that we had thrown out for the birds earlier, that had gotten covered up by the snow. He was very very cautious, and we both kept peeking around the corner at each other! I was able to get a few pictures of him...

This first one was one of the best. He's posing next to the tiny snowman my husband had made earlier :)

He came pretty close to the door a few times, but only after I held very still!

So anyway, I suppose raccoons aren't that uncommon, but it was pretty fun seeing one so close up, and so shortly after releasing Rita the Raccoon! The only one who didn't enjoy the raccoon sighting was our kitty Pixie! She made it clear she was not a fan, but luckily she was inside with us.

And speaking of our dear Pixie, I uploaded a picture I had taken a little while back around St. Patrick's Day. I thought Pixie should pose with Shamrock! She didn't seem too impressed :P

She's a pretty laid back kitty, but then again she is about 12 years old! We got her when I started 6th grade, and she has been my sweet little baby ever since! She's a fun friend to share our work space/sewing area with.  

Well anyway, that is all the excitement for now! We are still forming our ideas for the 4th of July cat and dog, and I'm working on a red fox a pattern, while my mom has some cute ideas of her own she's been working on. 

Until later then!

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