
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Rita the Raccoon: Pattern Coming Soon!

I just completed Rita the Raccoon last night, and this morning I took her picture! Which means her pattern will soon be for sale in our shop. I am really excited about her, since she is the first pattern I've completed myself since Sammy the Sea Turtle. Rita is the first pattern in our Woodland Collection, and she will soon have a friend, but more on that in a minute. So here she is, Rita the Raccoon:

I would love to hear what you think! She took a little trial and error, but I think in the end she turned out pretty close to what I had in mind. 

What's next in the Woodland Collection?

The next friend for Rita will be a red fox! I've already worked on this pattern quite a bit and made a few samples, so I hope that the fox will go a lot quicker than Rita did. As soon as I start getting some progress made, I will share some preview pictures of the fox.

Other than that, we are hoping to soon release Freaked-Out Freddy for sale. It may even be up for sale today! So be looking for our next post on that!


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Freaked-Out Freddy - Coming Soon!

We've almost got another monster finished! This time it's Freaked-Out Freddy! This is my mom's second monster pattern, in a series of 5. I think this guy is pretty funny, and we are both happy with how he turned out :D

We would love to hear any feedback you have on him or Scully! 

Freddy will be up for sale in our shop soon. Hopefully in just a few days.

No updates on Rita the Raccoon yet. She is taking a little longer than I had hoped, due to other projects I've been doing, but hopefully she will be worth the wait!


Saturday, November 19, 2011

Scared Scully Is Now In Our Shop!

Yay! We are really excited to finally have a new pattern up for sale in our shop! Scully is the first new pattern in quite some time, and we hope that you all like him! The pattern is 18 pages (counting the cover and copyright info) and includes instructions on the backstitch, running stitch, French knot, and blanket stitch. 

Take a look at some sample pages....

This also is our first pattern using our new logo and style. We are going to switch over Sammy the Sea Turtle to this look as well, and all future patterns will have this style. I think it looks a little more professional than what we previously had which looked like this...

So now, for my mom, it's on to the next monster pattern! And I'm still wrapping up Rita the Raccoon, Which I would love to have finished by next week.

And After Rita the Raccoon....

The next Squishy-Cute in the woodland series after I finish up with Rita, will be a red fox! I haven't picked out a name yet though. Any ideas?

Well that is all for now, hope you like Scully!!


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Scared Scully: Almost Finished!

Today we've been working on our final photo shoot for Scared Scully! Scully is the first monster my mom has designed for our new Monsters Collection of patterns. I think he turned out really cute. And quite scared of course! So what do you guys think?

We don't have the pattern/tutorial completely finished yet, but we are working to get that done soon. He will be the next pattern available in our shop on Etsy!

And I'm still working away on Rita the Raccoon, which I hope to also have finished shortly. I'm really excited to get her out too!

And as for the next monster in the series, my mom already is starting to design Freaked-Out Freddy! We will post updates on that as soon as we have some pictures to share.

Well that is all for now. I hope you guys like Scully :D

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sneak Peak! Rita the Raccoon

I am getting close to having Rita the Raccoon finished! So I thought I would share a sneak peak at the progress on her. 

This, obviously, is her face. In this picture, her face is not quite completed, but it's the best picture I have so far to give you an idea of what she will look like. I'm really excited about getting her done, since it will be my first pattern in over a year! From here on out though, I hope to do one right after the other!

And Monsters?

My mom is almost finished with her first monster pattern as well! She is sewing and stuffing him up as I type! I don't have any photos of him uploaded to my computer yet, but he will probably be up for sale before my raccoon will. He is pretty funny and cute, and I think you all will like him!

That is all the news for now, but check back for the release of these two new patterns! :D

Monday, November 14, 2011

First Post

So I've just started this blog for my store, Squishy-Cute Designs. I run this store with my mom, and right now, we really don't have much inventory, as you can see. I actually opened the store up quite awhile ago, but I just didn't have the time to make patterns. Then I finally managed to finish Sammy! Sammy the Sea Turtle was our first official Squishy-Cute pattern! And I think he's pretty cute :D What do you think?

We also have Frankie the Fish for sale. He was one of the first patterns I made, and while he has been well received, I didn't quite have a personal style in mind when I made him. But he will be left up in the shop for sale. 

The other pattern we have in our store right now is for a key chain of a tropical fish. This pattern has not sold. Haha, so needless to say, we probably will not be making anymore key chain patterns. I assume more people prefer stuffed animals. And actually, I'd rather make stuffed animals. But here he is, in case you're curious:

So What's Next?

Well, we are going to focus our shop on just stuffed animal patterns. And my next project is starting our woodland themed collection. First up? Rita the Raccoon! She is getting close to being complete, but more about that in my next post. And what is my mom working on? Well she has an idea for a cute little series of monsters! 

So hopefully this will be the beginning of a fun endeavor for us, and we'd love to hear what you think!
